Saturday, August 11, 2007

Greetings!!! WOW! everything here is FAST AND FURIOUS!!! Every half hour something new and unexpected is happening. Our schedule is shifting all the time so we are having to try to stay light on our feet. ....On Thursday we had an appointment with some folks at Disney. We felt GREAT about it! They were super nice and thought we were pretty great, too. The folks at that meeting sent us over to the SET of Cory In The House to meet with the writers and producers of that Disney Show. We high-tailed it over there! This time OUR MOMS DIDN'T HAVE TO WAIT IN THE VAN!!! shocking! We ALL got to go in to see how everything went. The folks there at Cory were incredibly nice and excited about us. We sang for a room of about 15 writers and producers and other folks working on the show. Then they took us for a tour of the set. SO COOL!!!!! Our moms laughed and clicked pics as we---with our mouths hanging open---walked around the actual set! The casting director, Joey, and one of her assistants were really taken aback by us...they appreciated our West Texas manners!


shelly johnson said...

I'm loving all the pictures. How exciting! Keep "wowing" them!

Damon said...

You girls are so lucky to tour the set of Cory in the House.
You are the Best Andi
Derick Spargo

hotstuff said...

Ya'll Guys are so cute in those pink and black outfits!!!!!!

Sydni Bednarz
(Good Luck Andi)