Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Here is Baylee after her audition at Disney. She did super and has a call back. She is so excited. Way to go !! Here is Alex and Winnie along for the ride. They are the little sisters of Andi.


Danny Barrett said...

Three pretty cute chicks if I say so myself!

Danny Barrett said...

I went back and looked at that comment I made earlier. And in now way, am I going to leave out those two extra cuties, Alex and Winnie. Make that 5 cute chicks!

Mary Allred said...

Congratulations on living a dream. Good luck and hang in there, Baylee. Much love and good wishes from your great aunt.

Aunt Jo Ann B said...

Our prayers are with you!

We know you are having a blast.

We would say "break a leg" (in Hollywood talk) but not a real leg!

Your (2nd) cousin;

Jo Ann

Damon said...

Hey Baley thats asome that you got the callback from Nick, goodluck I hope you get it.

Derick Spargo

Teresa said...

Hey Baylee! This must be so exciting!! I hope your having a great time!! No doubt you are!!
I cant believe this!! wow! haha. I'm so excited for you! This is incredable!! I love you, and your in our prayers!


shelly johnson said...

Baylee!!! Wow! I just now have access to my computer, so don't think that you haven't been in my thoughts and prayers. I am so very happy for you. You are amazing, and I can't wait to hear all of your stories. Keep on singing from your heart!! Much love!